What’re your thoughts on mineral oil instead of Jojoba oil? Some Reddit posts seem to say it’ll work the same, but my experience has been mineral oiled tools rust after awhile. Any idea why?

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We don't use mineral oil much. It's made from petroleum, and the organic alternatives work just fine. It *shouldn't* rust tools.

If you aren't averse to petroleum products, just use machine oil.

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Lubrication World!

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Are you not selling the Super Woobie anymore, or did you take it down for a bit due to this article?

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We don't make them anymore, I'm afraid.

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I’ve had issues with Jojoba oil going rancid after ~6 months of opening. It was sitting out on a towel in the shop, not in a tin. I knew it was rancid because it smelled terrible. Is this normal? Should keeping it in the tin while not in use help?

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I've been using jojoba for years and have never smelled anything. And mine sits out.

All vegetable oils can go rancid. But it takes the right set of environmental factors.

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Do you have a particular jojoba manufacturer you recommend?

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I use the Lie-Nielsen stuff. Never had a problem.

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Got it. Thanks.

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Paraffin=Candles. My wife had the remains of some used white candles, I cut them up and have been using them for plane soles ever since.

I'd avoid colored and scented candles...

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I always compare hand planing to shaving. "How do I know when my plane blade is dull?" The same way you know when your razor is dull. Once you have some experience, the difference is obvious. "Why put wax on my plane sole?" Would you shave without shaving cream?

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